NMB 24V DC-FAN 60x60x20 35 m³/h

product number: 06020SA-24N-AA-00

  • Manufacturer: NMB
Picture may vary

DC-axial fan, 24V, 60 x 60 x 20mm, 35 m³/h, 30.5 dB, ball bearing, wires, rib type
From 1 pieces per EUR 15,91
From 10 pieces per EUR 13,24
From 50 pieces per EUR 11,92
From 100 pieces per EUR 9,80
Delivery time: from stock
in stock: 449 pieces
Single price: EUR 9,80 - EUR 15,91 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 9,80 - EUR 15,91

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Manufacture NMB
Model Standard
Dimensions 60 x 60 x 20 mm
Type of housing Rib type
Bearing Ball bearing

Electrical parameters

Motor characteristics With automatic restart
Voltage 24 V DC
Permitted voltage range 9-27.6 V DC
Power consumption 1.7 W
Electricity consumption 70 mA

Material characteristics

Housing material Plastic
Flammability UL 94 V-0
Material fan wheel Plastic
RoHS compliant Yes

Technical characteristics

Connection Wires
Connection description Stranded wires according to UL 3385
Length connecting cord 300.0 mm
Cross-sectional area (AWG) 26
Operation temperature -10 °C - +70 °C
Life endurance 40,000 h
Sound level (in operation) 30.5 db (A)
Built-in position Free selectable
Direction of rotation Clockwise
Rotational speed 4,400 rpm
Pressure 49.1 PA
Direction of air flow Air out over struts
Air flow capacity 35 m³/h


Approval UL (E89936), VDE (1507300)
Weight 56 g
Aliases 06020SA24NAA00

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