NMB 24V DC-FAN 92x92x25 68 m³/h

product number: 09225SA-24L-EA-D0

  • Manufacturer: NMB
Picture may vary

DC-axial fan, 24V, 80 x 80 x 25mm, 102 m³/h, 42 dB, ball bearing, wires, flange type
From 1 pieces per EUR 18,93
From 10 pieces per EUR 15,79
From 50 pieces per EUR 14,21
From 100 pieces per EUR 11,68
Delivery time: from stock
in stock: 758 pieces
Single price: EUR 11,68 - EUR 18,93 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 11,68 - EUR 18,93

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Manufacture NMB
Dimensions 92 x 92 x 25 mm
Manufacture NMB
Type of housing Flange type
Connection Stranded wires according to UL 3385
Length connecting cord 300.0 mm
Bearing Ball bearing

Electrical parameters

Motor characteristics with automatic restart
Voltage 24 V DC
Permitted voltage range 12-27.6 V DC
Power consumption 1.2 W
Electricity consumption 50 mA

Material characteristics

Housing material Plastic
Flammability UL 94 V-0
Material fan wheel Plastic
RoHS compliant Yes

Technical characteristics

Cross-sectional area (AWG) 26
Operation temperature -10 °C - +70 °C
Life endurance 40,000 h
Sound level (in operation) 25.0 db (A)
Built-in position free selectable
Direction of rotation clockwise
Rotational speed 2,400 rpm
Pressure 29.0 PA
Direction of air flow Air out over struts
Air flow capacity 68 m³/h


Approval UL (E89936), VDE (1507300)
Weight 102 g
Aliases 09225SA24LEAD0

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