product number: 09 14 032 0361

  • Manufacturer: Harting
  • Manufacturer Short Name: Han hinged frame plus, for 8 modules A-H
Picture may vary

Hinged frame plus, for 8 modules, A H, Size: L32 B
From 1 pieces per EUR 12,97
From 5 pieces per EUR 11,91
From 10 pieces per EUR 11,21
From 25 pieces per EUR 10,51
Delivery time: from stock
in stock: 6 pieces
Single price: EUR 10,51 - EUR 12,97 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 10,51 - EUR 12,97

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Width 34.4 mm
Length 138.2 mm

Material characteristics

Inflammability class of insulation material acc. with UL94 Other
RoHS compliant yes
RoHS-exceptions 6c.: Kupferlegierung mit einem Massenanteil von bis zu 4 % Blei
China RoHS 50
REACH SVHC substances Blei
REACH Annex XIV substances Not contained
REACH ANNEX XVII substances Not contained
SCIP number 564b7d75-7bf6-4cfb-acb1-2168eb61b675

Technical characteristics

Min. number of insertion cycles 500


Aliases 09140320361

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