product number: 09 30 006 2297

  • Manufacturer: Harting
  • Manufacturer Short Name: Han B Base Surface HC 1 Lever Metal Cove
Picture may vary

Surface mounted housing, With metal cover, Size: 6 B, High construction, Single locking lever, Polycarbonate (PC), Stainless steel, Side entry, 2x Pg 21, Material (hood/housing): Aluminium die-cast, Powder-coated, RAL 7037 (dust grey), Material (seal): NBR
From 1 pieces per EUR 41,98
From 5 pieces per EUR 38,58
From 10 pieces per EUR 36,31
From 25 pieces per EUR 34,04
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 34,04 - EUR 41,98 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 34,04 - EUR 41,98

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Number of conduit inlets 2
Locking mechanism Single locking lever
Mounting method of the cable gland PG
Type of housing Socket case

Electrical parameters

EMC-version no

Material characteristics

Material housing Aluminium
Coating housing Powder coating
Inflammability class of insulation material acc. with UL94 Other
RoHS compliant yes
RoHS-exceptions 6a / 6a. I: Blei als Legierungselement in Stahl für Bearbeitungszwecke und in verzinktem Stahl mit einem Massenanteil von höchstens 0,35 % Blei / Blei als Legierungselement in Stahl für Bearbeitungszwecke mit einem Massenanteil von höchstens 0,35 % Blei
China RoHS 50
REACH SVHC substances Potassium 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluorobutane-1-sulphonate Blei
REACH Annex XIV substances Not contained
REACH ANNEX XVII substances Not contained
SCIP number 2d63e3a4-7abb-4e67-bb13-55bff2df44a0
Colour housing Grey
Corrosion resistant no
UV resistant no

Technical characteristics

Position cable feed Sideways
Degree of protection (IP), mounted IP65
Operation temperature -40 - 125 °C
Position of the shackle Base unit
With sealing yes
With cable screw gland no
With hinged lid yes
With distance piece no


Aliases 09300062297

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