product number: 09 30 716 0301 ML

  • Manufacturer: Harting
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 17,78
From 5 pieces per EUR 16,33
From 10 pieces per EUR 15,37
From 25 pieces per EUR 14,41
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 14,41 - EUR 17,78 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 14,41 - EUR 17,78

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Locking mechanism Querbügel
Mounting method of the cable gland ohne
Type of housing Anbaugehäuse

Electrical parameters

EMC-version nein

Material characteristics

Material housing Aluminium
Coating housing pulverbeschichtet
Inflammability class of insulation material acc. with UL94 sonstige
Colour housing grau
Corrosion resistant ja
UV resistant nein

Technical characteristics

Position cable feed sonstige
Degree of protection (IP), mounted IP65
Operation temperature -40 - 125 °C
Position of the shackle Unterteil
With sealing ja
With cable screw gland nein
With hinged lid nein
With distance piece nein


Aliases 09307160301ML

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