product number:

  • Manufacturer: Rafi
Picture may vary

Flat data entry keyboards with RACON 12 i-elements should be constructed in a 15.24 mm grid. With this grid, strips of glue remain between the individual keys on the front panel. The overlay, which we recommend embossing above the key switches, can be glued onto these strips of glue. When using our RK 90 system design, we recommend 9 x 9 mm keycaps.
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 4,30 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 4,30

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Outside dimension, height 13.2 mm
Outside dimension, width 11.35 mm
Outside dimension, length 11.35 mm

Electrical parameters

Operating voltage of the luminous element, max. 1.8 Volt
Rated voltage, min. 0.02 Volt
Rated voltage, max. 35 Volt
Rated power, max. 1 Watt
Rated current, min. 0 A
Rated current, max. 0.1 A
Operating current of the luminous element, max. 30 mA
Dielectric strength 750 Volt

Material characteristics

Contact material Gold
RoHS compliant Yes
REACH compliant Yes
Bezel color red

Technical characteristics

Terminal on the rear THT
Contact function 1 NO
Contact system Snap-action contact
Operating temperature, min. -40 °C
Operating temperature, max. 80 °C
Storage temperature, min. -50 °C
Storage temperature, max. 85 °C
Operating life 1000000 cycles
Grid, min. 12.5 x 12.5 mm
9.2 mm technology compatible Yes
Luminous element color red
Installation height 9.7 mm
illuminated Yes
Actuation function momentary contact function
Operating force, min. 3.3 ± 0.6 N
Solderability Yes
Soldering Manual / wave
Solder heat resistance according to standard DIN EN 60068-2-20
Switching travel 0,34±0,1 mm
B10 1300000 cycles
Soldering time for manual soldering, max. 5 sec
Soldering temperature for manual soldering 350 °C
Soldering temperature for wave soldering 260 °C


Packaging unit 45 pcs.
net weight 1.6 g
MOQ SAP 270 pcs.
SAP country of origin HU
Article number (generated)
Aliases 1140015510000

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