product number:

  • Manufacturer: Rafi
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 4,5745
From 10 pieces per EUR 3,9778
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 3,9778 - EUR 4,5745 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 3,9778 - EUR 4,5745

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Outside dimension, height 18,5 mm
Outside dimension, width 29,8 mm
Outside dimension, length 29,8 mm
Collar dimension ø 29,8 mm
Collar shape rund
Fixing Gewindering

Material characteristics

RoHS compliant ja
REACH compliant ja
Bezel color rot
Front ring color rot
Property of bezel / mushroom transluzent

Technical characteristics

Degree of protection, front side, according to DIN EN 60529 IP65
Operating temperature, min. -25 °C
Operating temperature, max. 70 °C
Storage temperature, min. -40 °C
Storage temperature, max. 80 °C
Environment resistance IEC 60068-2-14, IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-33, IEC 60068-2-78
Operating life 1000000 Zyklen
Threaded ring torque, max. 1,2 Nm
Grid, min. 30 x 30 mm
9.2 mm technology compatible ja
Mounting hole 22,3 mm
Installation height 9,85 mm
Mounting depth 9,2 mm
illuminated ja
Actuation function tastend
Operating force, max. 100 N
Operating travel, max. 4 mm
Disassembly possible Nein
Salt-spray resistance according to standard IEC 60068-2-11
UL Enclosure Type Rating front side type 1 - type 4X


Packaging Karton
Packaging unit 10 Stück
MOQ SAP 10,000
SAP country of origin HU
Article number (generated)
Aliases 1302700012303

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