product number: 1.90.690.335/0000

  • Manufacturer: Rafi
Picture may vary

LED, socket T 4.5, 24 Volt, white, LED
From 1 pieces per EUR 24,3496
From 5 pieces per EUR 21,1736
From 10 pieces per EUR 13,4939
From 25 pieces per EUR 11,7889
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 11,7889 - EUR 24,3496 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 11,7889 - EUR 24,3496

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Outside dimension, height 15 mm
Outside dimension, width 4.5 mm
Outside dimension, length 4.5 mm

Electrical parameters

Operating voltage of the luminous element, max. 24 Volt

Material characteristics

RoHS compliant Yes
REACH compliant Yes

Technical characteristics

Operating temperature, min. -20 °C
Operating temperature, max. 60 °C
Luminous element color white
illuminated Yes
Luminous elements LED
Lamp socket T4.5


Packaging unit 5 pcs.
net weight 0.4 g
SAP gross weight 0.7 g
MOQ SAP 5 pcs.
Article number (generated) 1.90.690.335/0000
Aliases 1906903350000

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