product number: 1805.7104

  • Manufacturer: Marquardt
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 7,62952
From 10 pieces per EUR 6,36362
From 50 pieces per EUR 5,09762
From 100 pieces per EUR 4,25372
Delivery time: from stock
in stock: 205 pieces
Single price: EUR 4,25372 - EUR 7,62952 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 4,25372 - EUR 7,62952

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Product family Rocker switches
Number of poles 2
Height external dimension 19,5 mm
Width outside dimension 24 mm
Length external dimension 21 mm
Suitable for appliances of protection class II
Lighting type function illumination
Type of fastening Snap fastening
Switching function ON / OFF switch (DPST)

Electrical parameters

Rating IEC 10 (4) A 250 V AC 1E4, 6 (4) A 250 V AC 5E4
Rating North America 6 A 250 V AC 1/2 HP
Inrush current (capacitive) 50 A
Lighting voltage 230 V
Insulation resistance (new condition) > 100 (500 V DC) MOhm
Contact resistance (new condition) < 100 (1 A 12 V DC) mOhm
Proof tracking 250 PTI

Material characteristics

Housing material PA
Contact material Ag
Material actuator PC
Flammability UL 94 V-2
Material bearing connection silver plated
Material external connection silver plated
Housing color black
Actuator color / printing transparent orange

Technical characteristics

Connection type Quick-connect terminal
Connection description 4.8 x 0.8
Protection type connection IP 40
Protection type actuator IP 40
Storage temperature min. -40 °C
Storage temperature max. 80 °C
Mechanical life endurance 50000
Color lamp red
Installation dimension 1 WxH (wall thickness) 19,2x12,9 mm (0,75-1,25 mm)
Installation dimension 2 WxH (wall thickness) 19,4x21,9 mm (1,25-2,0 mm)
Installation dimension 3 WxH (wall thickness) 19,8x21,9 mm (2,0-3,0 mm)
Temperatures connection side max. 100 °C
Temperatures connection side min. -20 °C
Temperatures actuation side min. -20 °C
Temperatures actuation side max. 55 °C
Glow wire test temperature 850 °C
Contact distance >= 3 mm
Plug force of the terminals <= 80 N


Approval marks CSA, ENEC 05, UL
Miscellaneous installation depth 19.5
Aliases 18057104

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