product number: 1841.1301

  • Manufacturer: Marquardt
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 8,20817
From 10 pieces per EUR 6,84287
From 50 pieces per EUR 5,47757
From 100 pieces per EUR 4,56737
Delivery time: from stock
in stock: 81 pieces
Single price: EUR 4,56737 - EUR 8,20817 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 4,56737 - EUR 8,20817

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Product family Pushbutton switches
Number of poles 1
Height external dimension 23 mm
Width outside dimension 16,6 mm
Length external dimension 23,9 mm
Suitable for appliances of protection class II
Type of fastening central fastening M12 x 0.75
Switching function Normally closed contact (SPNC)

Electrical parameters

Rating IEC 6 (2) A 250 V AC 5E4
Rating North America 6 A 125 - 250 V AC 1/8 HP
Insulation resistance (new condition) > 100 (500 V DC) MOhm
Contact resistance (new condition) < 100 (1 A 12 V DC) mOhm
Proof tracking 250 PTI

Material characteristics

Housing material PA, PA glasfaserverstärkt
Contact material Ag
Material actuator PA
Flammability UL 94 V-2
Material bearing connection silver plated
Material external connection silver plated
Housing color black, black, black
Actuator color / printing black

Technical characteristics

Connection type Quick-connect terminal
Connection description 4.8 x 0.8
Protection type connection IP 40
Protection type actuator IP 40
Storage temperature min. -40 °C
Storage temperature max. 80 °C
Mechanical life endurance 100000
Built-in diameter 12,0 mm
Temperatures connection side max. 100 °C
Temperatures connection side min. -20 °C
Temperatures actuation side min. -20 °C
Temperatures actuation side max. 55 °C
Glow wire test temperature 850 °C
Contact distance >= 3 mm
Plug force of the terminals <= 80 N


Approval marks CSA, ENEC 05, UL
Aliases 18411301

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