product number: 2420.4101

  • Manufacturer: Marquardt
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 49,38089
From 12 pieces per EUR 47,03539
From 50 pieces per EUR 41,05139
From 100 pieces per EUR 39,10259
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 39,10259 - EUR 49,38089 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 39,10259 - EUR 49,38089

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Product family Foot switches
Number of poles 1
Switching function Normally open contact (SPNO)

Electrical parameters

Rating IEC 14 (4) A 250 V AC 5E4
Contact resistance (new condition) < 100 mOhm
Proof tracking 250 PTI

Material characteristics

Housing material PA glasfaserverstärkt
Contact material AgNi
Material actuator PA glass fiber-reinforced
Housing color black, black, black
Actuator color / printing black

Technical characteristics

Connection type Cable
Connection description assembled, with wire end ferrule
Connection length 3000 long
Protection type connection IP 65 and IP 67
Protection type actuator IP 66 and IP 67
Mechanical life endurance 100000
Temperatures connection side max. 85 °C
Temperatures connection side min. -20 °C
Temperatures actuation side min. -20 °C
Temperatures actuation side max. 85 °C
Contact distance < 3 mm
Operating force 35 +-10 N
Operating position (OP) 20.9 +-2 mm
Permissible total travel position 16.9 +-2 mm
Free position (FP) max. 25 +-2 mm


Approval marks ENEC 10
Miscellaneous with strain relief, two-wire connecting cable
Aliases 24204101

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