binder M 8x1 LEITUNG 2m PUR 3x0,25 KABELSTECKER

product number: 79 3405 52 03

  • Manufacturer: binder
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 6,94
From 20 pieces per EUR 5,65
From 40 pieces per EUR 4,68
From 100 pieces per EUR 4,33
Delivery time: from stock
in stock: 58 pieces
Single price: EUR 4,33 - EUR 6,94 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 4,33 - EUR 6,94

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Series designation M8 Steckverbinder
Locking system Schraubverriegelung nach DIN EN 61076-2-106
Number of poles 3-polig
Cable length 2 m

Electrical parameters

Voltage 60 V
Rated current (40 °C) 4 A

Material characteristics

Housing material PUR
Cable jacket material PUR

Technical characteristics

Connection type crimpen, am Kabel angespritzt
Degree of protection (IP) IP67


Aliases 7934055203

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