product number: MNF881A315-0001

  • Manufacturer: METZ CONNECT
Picture may vary

From 1 pieces per EUR 37,18
From 10 pieces per EUR 24,46
From 50 pieces per EUR 23,59
From 100 pieces per EUR 22,72
in stock: 0 pieces
Single price: EUR 22,72 - EUR 37,18 per pieces
Total price:

EUR 22,72 - EUR 37,18

Quantity exceeded the max. order quantity (max. 50.000)

General parameters

Number of power contacts 8
Thread size M 12 mm
Diameter connector 16.8 mm
Number of data contacts 8
Locking mechanism Swivel
With status indication no
Type of housing Straight

Electrical parameters

Rated voltage 60 V
Rated current In 0.5 A
Over voltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Screened yes
Type of electric connection Insulation displacement connection

Material characteristics

Material housing Zinc
Material of contact surface Brass
Inflammability class of insulation material acc. with UL94 V0

Technical characteristics

Connectable conductor cross section multi-wired 0.141 - 0.355 mm²
Contact type Other
Ambient temperature -40 - 85 °C
Min. number of insertion cycles 100
Connectable conductor cross section solid-core 0.128 - 0.324 mm²
For cable outer diameter 5 - 9.7 mm


Aliases MNF881A3150001

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