30.06.2024 | BLOG

More than distribution - turning ideas into solutions together

Mehr als DistributionThere are cases where only a completely customized component will lead to the desired result.
With our comprehensive expertise and decades of experience, we support you in the realization of your product ideas. Our range covers a broad spectrum of technologies:

  • Cable harnessing:
    Using state-of-the-art machinery, we offer precise and reliable solutions for your specific requirements.
  • Injection molding:
    In many machines and plant constructions, standard connectors are perfectly adequate. But some requirements demand special characteristics. Together with you, we develop a customized solution.
  • Mechanical modification:
    Are you looking for expertise and quality in the mechanical modification of components? Here, too, our specialists will be glad to help you – rapidly and reliably. We can add any openings you may need to enclosures, for example, install the associated components, and wire them. Drilling, milling, engraving, glueing and potting are no problem for us, either.
  • Potting:
    It takes experience to glue and pot components. We have the experience, because the mixing and application of adhesives and potting compounds are part of our daily routine.
  • 3D printing:
    The additive manufacturing of components opens up new possibilities – we use it to create your customized product solution and produce plastic-based components precisely matched to your specific needs.


Our customized components are produced specifically for your applications. With our extensive in-house warehouse and efficient logistics, we also ensure that your products are available quickly at all times.


Simply contact us to turn your ideas into solutions.




EVG. So Ideas turn into solutions.

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