14.06.2024 | BLOG

The next expansion level of modular connectors

Bild ein Han domino Modulgehäuse, das durch 2 Miniaturfiguren von Mitarbeitern bestückt wirdHarting Han-Modular® Domino modules are the next expansion level of modular connectors. These modules save up to 50 % installation space by integrating different transmission types in one module, which reduces costs and resources in production and transport. Installers benefit from shorter installation times, especially in hard-to-reach areas such as railway vehicles.
A Domino module consists of two "cubes" that present the Han-Modular® plug-in face in two parts. This creates an almost square surface on which even larger contacts can be accommodated. The cubes enable the configuration of "customised" connectors that are precisely tailored to the requirements of a design. Power, signal, data or compressed air as well as pin and socket contacts can be combined in one module, reducing the number of interfaces required per unit. The connection technology becomes smaller and lighter, and more modules and module types fit into one connector.


Advantages at a glance:


  • Up to 50 % space saving
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Shorter installation times
  • Compatible with Han-Modular® components
  • Sustainability through modularisation


To find in the EVG shop:
Harting Han-Modular® Domino modules



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